Monday, May 21, 2007

Duruflé Concert

I’m finding it hard to believe that we’re closing in on June of this year already. Seriously, where is the time going?

Much of this past weekend was spent doing fun things, which is such a lovely way to spend a weekend. Friday was my time to get things done around the house: mowing the lawn, cleaning the bathrooms (quite a time-consuming chore when you have four of them), vacuuming and spot-cleaning the carpet. Saturday, I did laundry, read a bit, caught up on old episodes of “The Office” and “Heroes”, then went out with Chris and Kirstin for dinner at Woodside Deli and pool and Hardtimes Café. Man, I stink at pool, but it’s still fun.

Sunday, I sang in The Washington Chorus’ Duruflé concert. Honestly, I didn’t have very high expectations of the performance going into it and knew there would be some rough patches. But, overall, it went better than I expected. Kirstin and Brent attended, which was great. Knowing folks in the audience always makes performing a bit more enjoyable. After the concert, the three of us enjoyed a nice dinner and good conversation at Clyde’s.

See here it is, Monday afternoon, and I’m already aching for the three-day Memorial Day weekend to arrive. Sigh.