Monday, November 07, 2005

Winds of Change

Good news indeed.

When I was in London in May, I was shocked to see baked beans on every breakfast menu. "Baked beans for breakfast," you say? Yes, it's true. Baked beans are very popular in the UK. At the grocery store, there was an entire aisle of nothing but beans. Granted, the aisle was about 1/3 the length of the ones at American grocery stores, but still, that's a lot of beans.

On English breakfast menus, you'll usually find the traditional Full English Fry-up, which includes fried eggs, bacon, sausage, mushrooms, tomatoes, baked beans, fried toast and black pudding (which is made from congealed pig's blood). Of course, no one would live past 40 if they ate that breakfast every day, but you can still satiate your early-morning bean craving by ordering plain baked beans on toast.

I've heard that British baked beans are very different from American baked beans. But unless they come out of that can tasting like waffles, I'll pass.


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