Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Hey, Big Spender

When Bush came to office, he, like Reagan, talked of tax cuts, increased defense spending, and reduced federal spending. Sounds like a great plan, right? Well, thanks to our spendthrifty Congress and Bush's willingness to sign every piece of legislation that comes across his desk (literally - he hasn't vetoed one spending bill), things aren't going according to plan and spending is off the charts.

Tammy Bruce sums it up well:
Wonderful. I love President Bush and his efforts to keep this nation safe, but his willingness to spend our money, as though it were water and government were Daddy, is unacceptable. At large President Bush is our Cowboy, willing to do what it takes to win the War on Terror. At home, he's Jimmy Carter, acting as though government was responsible for paying for everything.
On another note, Tammy also made us aware that the avian flu has struck the U.S.


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