"Good times. Noodle Salad."
The college gang came to town Thursday night for a long weekend. Lee's 30th birthday is tomorrow and he's the last of us to reach this landmark age. So, we got together to spend the weekend reminiscing and laughing, barbequing and swimming at my pool, playing games and cards, eating lots of good food, and even shakin’ our groove thangs at eCitie. And here's the proof:
Lee, JD, Gurney, KB and me, enjoying the lazy, hazy, crazy days of summer:

Lee, passing the time with some truly stimulating reading material:
JD, acting out a five-word phrase in a rousing game of Charades:
All dressed up and some place to go -- dinner and dancing at eCitie:
Of course, a bazillion funny things were uttered over the course of three days, but my favorite happened during lunch this afternoon. As we were discussing the movie The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, Gurney said, in all seriousness, "Oh, I never got to see Narnia: The Captain, the Walrus, the...what was it?"
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