Saturday, July 08, 2006

Pirates, The Park, iPod

KB and I went to see Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest last night, along with everyone else in the free world. We’d been counting on it all week, but when showtimes started selling out, I figured it would be a good idea to cut out of work a few minutes early and get to the theater to buy tickets. Sure enough, the earliest available show was at 10:15. Not a problem, since we needed time to enjoy dinner at Macaroni Grill beforehand. Good dinner, really fun movie. Johnny Depp is brilliant, as always.

Today, I did laundry, rearranged some furniture before putting it back in its original location (the new arrangement just didn’t work as well), then took Ernie to the park, where we took a leisurely stroll on the hiking trail, then sat in the grass, reading and watching the birds. When we returned home, I started downloading CDs to my new iPod.

My Mp3 player broke a several months ago. When I called to make use of the service plan I had purchased with the player, I was told I should expect to receive a mailing label with which I must return the player and all of its original components. Once they received the player, I would be sent a store credit for the original purchase price of the item. Great.

Well, several weeks passed and I never got the label, so I called again. I was informed that it had been sent out the day after my call, but no matter, they would send another immediately.

Again, several weeks passed. Again, nothing. When I called, I was told they would just send the store credit and return of the player was not necessary. So, I have the old, broken (but fixable) 40GB Creative Zen, plus the new 30GB iPod.

Fifteen CDs down, only another 550 or so to go!


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