Friday, July 21, 2006

My Bags Are Packed...Almost

Well, Ernie is at his grammy and grampy’s house for the next week, as I’m packing for my trip to Bangkok tomorrow. This will be trip number three in as many months, and (hopefully) the last for quite some time. Compared to the previous visit, I’m expecting this to be a pretty low-stress trip. There are six of us going and we’ll be offering lectures on clinical data management and training on the newly-implemented EDMS. My involvement will be limited to assisting the session leaders and making myself available to answer questions as they arise. Of course, that’s how things are supposed to happen, but we’ll have to wait and see how they actually play out.

In between doing laundry and packing tonight, I watched The Libertine. While being vulgar and obscene, it managed to keep from being offensive through its brilliant dialogue, direction and acting. (It starred Johnny Depp, so how could it be anything but brilliant?) One simple, yet thought-provoking line that stuck with me was:

Life is not a succession of urgent “nows.” It is a listless trickle of “Why should I?”’s

Something to think about, no?


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