Idol Thoughts: Week 2 - The Girls
Katharine, “All In Love Is Fair” – It started out well, with a cool jazz sound, but it didn’t go anywhere. The runs absolutely stank and the top of her voice was screechy, pinched and just plain horrid. 6.5
Kinnik, “I’m Here for the Party” – I’m telling you, she is the black Angelina Jolie. Not too shabby. I don’t think her voice is really meant for country music, but she definitely could have picked a better country song to show off her voice. 7
Lisa, “Who’s Loving You” – Yikes, that was a pitchy start. I love the songs she’s picked so far, but I don’t think her voice is mature enough or big enough to pull them off yet. And that vibrato is way too slow. Two words: breath support. 7
Melissa, “Why Haven’t I Heard From You” – Good song, decent voice, but she didn’t wow me. Paula called her voice “smoky” last week, but I call it a disaster in vocal nodes waiting to happen. She won’t be singing much longer if she continues singing like that. 8
Heather, “Hero” – Well, that was totally a Disney show choir performance: dull and lifeless. That high note was very unpleasant and the “Woo!” was ridiculous and seemed out of place. I don’t hear or see anything special about her. 5.5
Brenna, “Last Dance” – Enough with the posing already. It makes us want to kick you in the shins. What’s with the song choices tonight? They don’t show any range or wow. Everything is just blah. 6
Paris, “Wind Beneath My Wings” – The majority of the song was so-so, but repeat of the chorus was impressive. OK, breath is the most important part of singing, but the deep pauses and obvious nose breaths are not necessary, honey. 7.5
Ayla, “I Want You To Need Me” – Great song, although I’d rather have a bigger voice singing it. It was better than I expected, although I hate the obvious change between her head and chest voices. Simon is dead right: she’s mechanical. It feels too rehearsed. 8
Kellie, “Let’s Give ‘Em Something To Talk About” – She looks so uncomfortable and unnatural on the stage, but she sounds really good. I liked the rough, rock edge in combination with the twang. Nicely done! 8.5
Mandisa, “Cry” –That’s what I’m talkin’ about…girlfriend can blow! She’s a natural on stage, picked a good song, and rocked the house. Yeah, she’s gonna be in this for the long haul. 9